人防工程是为保障人民防空指挥、通信、掩蔽等需要而建造的防护建筑。它是防备敌人突然袭击,有效 地掩蔽人员和物资,保存战争潜力的重要 设施。人防工程按构筑形式可分为地道工 程、坑道工程、堆积式工程和掘开式工程。 地道工程是指大部分主体地面低于最低出 入口的暗挖工程,多建于平地。坑道工程
Air defense project is to protect people’s air defense command, communications, shelter and other needs of the construction of protective buildings. It is an important facility for preparing for the surprise attack by the enemy, effectively shielding personnel and supplies and preserving the potential of war. According to the construction of civil air defense projects can be divided into tunnels, tunnels, piled-up works and dig-type works. Tunnel construction refers to the main part of the ground below the minimum entrances and undercutting projects, and more built in the ground. Tunnel Engineering