
来源 :农药市场信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcchencj
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本地温室大棚蔬菜以茄果类、瓜类、叶菜类为主。菜农们每年均不同程度地遇到苗期徒长,花期生理性落花、落果、化瓜、生育期偏长等问题,直接影响产量和菜农们的经济收入。经几年的试验、示范、推广植物生长调节剂,以上问题迎刃而解,并取得了较好的经济效益。一、在茄果类蔬菜上的应用 1.青苗期处理种子可用500毫克/公斤的比久或500~1000毫克/公斤的多效唑浸种6小时,抑制作用长达1个月。1平方米苗床可用250-500毫克/公斤的矮壮素稀释液1公斤泼 Local greenhouse vegetables to eggplant, melons, leafy vegetables based. Vegetable farmers encounter varying degrees each year, such as seedling growth, physiological flowering flowers, fruit drop, melon, length of growth period and other issues, directly affect the yield and income of farmers. After several years of experiments, demonstration and promotion of plant growth regulators, the above problems have been solved and good economic benefits have been achieved. First, in the application of eggplant vegetables 1. Young seedlings can be treated with 500 mg / kg for more than 500 or 1000 mg / kg of soaking seed soaking 6 hours, the inhibitory effect of up to 1 month. 1 square meters of seedbed available 250-500 mg / kg of chlorothalonil 1 kg diluted solution