Netscape通信公司正在对它的应用服务器版本进行最后的修改。这预示着他努力向企业、主机和电子商务应用方面转移发展。作为工作的一部分,公司在应用服务器和目录服务器之间建立紧密联系,这是Netscape在去年同Kiva软件公司那儿学到的。在公司总部接受美国PC Week采访时,有关人员声称,应用服务器已经得到了Netscape的一系列电子商务应用的端口。集成工作将在年底交付,现在SuiteSpot 4.0的第一部分已经开始上市了。在应用服务器和SuiteSpot之间的连接包含了大量设施和服务的集合,它们作为Netscape和合作开发者建立的基础部分。FDX公司的首席技术官员说:“他们采取
Netscape Communications is making final changes to its application server version. This heralded his efforts to shift the business, hosting and e-commerce applications. As part of its work, the company has built a strong relationship between application servers and directory servers that Netscape learned with Kiva Software last year. In an interview with PC Week in the company’s headquarters, officials said the application server has been ported to Netscape’s suite of e-commerce applications. Integration will be delivered by the end of the year, and the first part of SuiteSpot 4.0 is now available. The connection between the application server and SuiteSpot includes a collection of facilities and services that form the basis of a foundation established by Netscape and co-developers. FDX’s chief technology officer said: "They take