杯赛打到第二轮,才算真正体现出了杯赛的本色。 胜负逆转,高潮迭出,是本轮比赛的最大特色,几乎没有一场比赛是在预料之中,算定之内。 “广东三雄”之一的广州松日队继上一轮淘汰“二哥”太阳神大爆冷门之后,又在第二轮的首回合以2:0力克“大哥”宏远队,令人喷喷称奇。但更令人称道的是宏远队能在次回合中以5:2反超,将杯赛这匹最大的“黑马”淘汰出局。“广东三雄”在杯赛中的这场“窝里斗”,可谓是一波三折,回肠荡气。宏运队最后能步入四强,实属不易。
Cup hit the second round, can be considered truly reflect the true nature of the cup. Reverses the outcome, climax after another, is the biggest feature of this round of competition, almost no game is expected, count within. Guangzhou Songri team, one of the “Guangdong three male” after the last round out of the “Brother” Sun God big upset, but also in the first leg of the second round with 2: 0 Lectra “Big Brother” Hongyuan team, it is spray Spurt odd. But even more commendable is the Hongyuan team in the second leg to 5: 2 go-ahead, the cup of this biggest “dark horse” eliminated. “Guangdong Sanxiong” in the cup in this “fight”, can be described as twists and turns, Ichangchiqi. Hongyun team finally entered the semi-finals, it is not easy.