目的 :为研究放射复合伤口难愈合的机制 ,观察单纯伤口及放射复合伤口愈合过程中肌成纤维细胞数量的动态变化。方法 :利用本实验室已建立的放射复合伤口动物模型 ,采用光镜、电镜、免疫组化等方法 ,动态观察伤口愈合过程中肌成纤维细胞数量的变化。结果 :2 5Gy(γ射线 )局部照射对伤口愈合有明显的损害作用 ,照射组伤口较对照组伤口延迟 6d愈合。与正常对照组相比 ,照射组肌成纤维细胞出现晚、高峰期数量少。结论 :辐射引起伤口愈合过程中肌成纤维细胞数量减少 ,时相延迟 ,从而影响伤口收缩 ,可能是辐射影响伤口愈合的重要机制之一
OBJECTIVE: To study the mechanism of refractory radiated wound healing and to observe the dynamic changes of myofibroblasts in wound healing and radiotherapy wound healing. Methods: The animal model of radiation-combined wounds established in our laboratory was used to observe the change of myofibroblasts during wound healing by light microscope, electron microscope and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Local irradiation with 2 Gy (γ-ray) had a significant effect on wound healing. The wounds in the irradiated group healed 6 d later than those in the control group. Compared with the normal control group, the number of myofibroblasts in the irradiated group appeared late and peaked. Conclusion: The number of myofibroblasts in the process of radiation-induced wound healing is reduced and the time delay is delayed, thus affecting the wound contraction. This may be one of the important mechanisms by which radiation affects wound healing