本文收集了490例肺结核病人血型播散型肺结核34例,浸润型肺结核362例,慢性纤维空洞型肺结核38例,结核性胸膜炎56例的K反应(工滕氏法)与血沉测定结果对照分析,以探讨K反应在肺结核病辅助诊断中的价值。 操作方法:采取静脉或耳垂血5滴,立即滴入盛有18%枸椽酸纳溶液6ml的华氏试管内,置室温中25分钟后观察结果。根据反应不同分为四型。Ⅰ型:管内液体呈现均匀之红色,是健康人或肺结核病已稳定的表
This article collected 490 cases of tuberculosis patients with blood-borne disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis in 34 cases, 362 cases of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, 38 cases of chronic fibrous hollow tuberculosis, tuberculous pleurisy 56 cases of K reaction (Tengs method) and ESR results of controlled trials, To investigate the value of K reaction in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Method of operation: take 5 drops of vein or earlobe blood, immediately drop into 18% citrate solution containing 6ml sodium citrate solution Fahrenheit tube, set at room temperature for 25 minutes after the observation. According to the reaction is divided into four types. Type Ⅰ: The liquid in the tube presents a uniform red color and is a stable form for healthy people or tuberculosis