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在中国近代史上,在如何挽救内忧外患的中国如何使中国强大的问题上,存在着两种政治思潮——君主立宪和民主立宪,对它们的不同选择意味着救国之两条不同政治道路。杨度之所以选择前者作为政治目标,是与他较多地接受了西方民主思想分不开的,同时也是他结合当时国内外时局,对近代中国社会状况、国民素质作出仔细分析的结果。 In the modern history of China, there are two kinds of political ideological trends - the constitutional monarchy and the democratic constitutionalism, on how China, both internal and external, should be rescued and how to make China stronger. Their different choices mean two different political paths to save the country. Yang’s choice of the former as a political goal is inseparable from his acceptance of Western democratic thinking and the result of careful analysis of the social conditions and the quality of the people in modern China in light of the current situation at home and abroad.
昨天晚上看电视,有档子节目提到“一半是天使,一半是魔鬼”的话,忽然想到我家儿子,觉得很贴切。  回老家过了一个暑假,小人儿似乎有成为网瘾儿童之势。  大感不妙。那天小家伙又趴到了电脑前。咱也立马杀过去,温言温语好生相劝:“乖,玩一小会儿,妈妈说休息一下的时候就要休息啊。”“好的,妈妈,我一定听你的话,做个好孩子,这样妈妈才喜欢。”时间真漫长,我都喊停好几次了,那边还没动静。没辙,只好一拖二拽三数落