The creep behavior of commercial pure titanium TA2 at 150 ° C (operating temperature of the smelting terephthalic acid plant) was investigated. The results of uniaxial tensile creep tests show that the first stage of TA2 creep at 150 ℃ obeys exponential law ε = βta. The first stage of creep decay velocity (time index a value) in the 160 ~ 200MPa and 220 ~ 240MPa test stress range showed a steady trend in stages. At lower stresses (less than 200 MPa), the first stage of creep decays more slowly, while the second stage creeps and saturates. As the stress decreases, the time required to reach saturation is reduced. It can be inferred that the creep saturation in Stage 2 appears to be closely related to the Stage 1 creep decay rate. Under low temperature and low stress conditions, creep behavior is mainly dominated by Stage 1.