First, the planned economy and market regulation in the operation of the socialist economy orientation Planned economy, including the planned economic system, the national economic plan management and program adjustment means multi-level meaning. The planned economy is, above all, a system that can not simply be regarded as a form of regulation and means. According to the requirements of public ownership, the planned economy is to solve the problem of allocating resources on a social scale and allocating the total social labor in all sectors in proportion, so as to realize the overall interest of public ownership and realize the coordinated and coordinated development of social economy in a planned manner. In this sense, the planned economy is the realization form and system guarantee of public ownership. Without a planned economy, there can be no socialism. The commodity economy has never been an independent existence of the form, always in a certain relationship of production and presents a special regulation. Market Regulation Reflecting the Economic Requirements of Public Goods. Only from the micro-regulation of exchange behavior between enterprises and various related short-term economic variables. But can not solve the problem of long-term resource allocation on the social scale based on the unification of overall interests. Only under the conditions of capitalist market economy, when the privatization of property, the highly decentralized decision-making, the commercialization of factors of production including labor force, and the commercialization of marketization, can the market’s spontaneous role become the target of the whole society