在青少年中,有些学生伏案读书写字时间长了,会出现眩晕,感到周围景物或自身发生旋转,或上下升降,或左右摇晃,或有移动等现象。究其原因是由于—— 长期伏案学习,引发颈性眩晕 颈性眩晕,是指与颈部疾病有关的眩晕。许多青少年坐着看书写字时常是驼着背、哈着腰,长时间的低头伏案,颈椎则向前屈,颈后肌处于强直状态,违
Among young people, some students spend a long time reading and writing on their desk and may feel dizzy. They may feel the surroundings or themselves rotate, move up and down, or shake around or move around. The reason is due to - long-term desk learning, caused by cervical vertigo vertigo, refers to the neck disease associated with dizziness. Many teens sitting and reading and writing are often camelback, hugging the waist, a long bow of the desk, the cervical spine forward flexion, posterior neck muscle in ankylosis, contrary