本文对莱州湾东部水域出现的文昌鱼幼体进行了初步调查。该水域的文昌鱼幼体分布面较广,从5m 到12m等深面上均有很高的出现频率和一定的生物量。6-8月间文昌鱼幼体体长为1.3mm-7.8mm,进入8月份后,幼体变态转入底栖潜沙生活。
This paper conducted a preliminary investigation of amphioxus larvae emerging in the eastern waters of Laizhou Bay. The waters of amphioxus larvae are widely distributed, from 5m to 12m and other deep surface have a high frequency of occurrence and a certain amount of biomass. From August to August, the body length of amphioxus was 1.3mm-7.8mm. After entering August, the larvae transformed into the benthic and submarine life.