1 前言我们平时参观博物馆或是一些展览会后 ,有的事物给我们的印象深刻 ,而有些事物看过以后就忘记了 .除去主观方面的因素 ,比如个人的喜好 ,装修布置得别具一格之外 ,我们猜测记忆的程度也许多少与参观的顺序有关 .有些位置的展品特别能引起别人的注意 ,而有些位置则比较普
1 Foreword After we visit the museum or some exhibitions at ordinary times, some things give us a deep impression, and some things are forgotten after reading it. Apart from subjective factors, such as personal preferences, decoration is unique, We speculate that the degree of memory may be related to the order of visits. Exhibits in some locations are particularly attractive and others are more general.