11月6日15时,在最后一名被埋在废墟里的消防官兵挖出来后,湖南省公安厅就将20名消防官兵的材料报送公安部政治部,并递送了批准张晓成等20位同志为革命烈士的申请。公安部政治部不到十个小时就批准了申请,正式追认在“11·3”特大火灾坍塌事故中英勇牺牲的20名同志为革命烈士。 在“11·3”特大火灾灭火抢险中被困的消防官兵,时刻牵动着党中央、国务院和省市各级领导的目光。党中
At 15:00 on November 6, after the last firearms officers and soldiers buried in the rubble were excavated, the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department submitted the materials of 20 fire officers and soldiers to the Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security and delivered 20 such documents as Zhang Xiaocheng’s approval Comrade for the revolutionary martyr application. In less than 10 hours, the Ministry of Public Security approved the application and formally ratified 20 comrades who had died heroically in the 11.3-magnitude fire disaster as revolutionary martyrs. The fire officers and soldiers trapped in the firefighting and rescue of “11 · 3” large fires always affect the leaders of the Central Party Committee, the State Council and provincial and municipal levels. Party