1 前 言福泉市位于贵州省中部 ,最高海拔 1715 8m ,最低 6 14m ,常年气候冷凉 ,光照充足 ,雨热同季 ,昼夜温差大 ,故有“十里不同天 ,下雨如过冬”之说。具有发展马铃薯生产的自然条件 ,但由于耕作粗放、品种退化及品质逐年下降 ,在广东、广西的市场占有份额逐年萎缩 ,严
1 Foreword Located in the central part of Guizhou Province, Fuquan City has a maximum elevation of 1715 8m and a minimum of 6 14m. It enjoys a cool climate all year round with plenty of sunshine and rainfall. The temperature difference between day and night is large, so there is a saying of “ten different days, it rains like a winter.” It has the natural conditions for the development of potato production. However, the market share of Guangdong and Guangxi has shrunk year by year due to the extensive farming, the deterioration of varieties and the declining of quality.