
来源 :浙江中医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:henbuxiaxin11
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大黄附子汤,方见《金匱要略·腹满寒疝宿食篇》,主治“胁下偏痛发热,其脉紧弦,此寒也,以温药下之宜大黄附子汤。”因原文有“胁下”、“偏痛”、“发热”等字样,使学者受到一定的限制,所以用者不多。其实不论是痛在胁下或在腹部,也不论偏痛或者不偏,发热或不发热,只要脉象沉弦或沉紧,按之有力,大便秘结,其人不呕(呕是病机向上),确诊是寒而且实者,便可放手使用。大黄、附子,一般用量即可,而 Rhubarb Aconite Decoction, Fang Jian, “Jin Biao Yao slightly abdomen chilly food”, attending “Tiaohun partial pain and fever, the pulse string tight, this cold also, to warm medicine under the Yi Huang Fuzi Decoction.” There are words such as “under threat”, “partial pain”, and “fever”. This leaves scholars under certain restrictions, so there are not many users. In fact, whether pain is on the abdomen or on the abdomen, or whether it is partial or not, with fever or no fever, as long as the pulse is stringed or tight, it is powerful, constipation is constipation, and the person does not vomit (vomit is the pathogenesis) If the diagnosis is cold and real, you can let it go. Rhubarb, aconite, the general amount can be, and