A protein in rat prostatic interacting with androgen regulated gene

来源 :Cell Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feiniao6688
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2M NaCl-insoluble fraction of rat ventral prostatechromatin(residual proteins)contain proteins able tointeract specifically with androgen-receptor complex andis,therefore,a part of the acceptor complex.Amongresidual proteins,a 97 KDa protein has been found whichbinds signifieantly to a genomic fragment containingan androgen-regulated gene coding for a 22 KDa protein.The biological significance of this binding in androgenaction need to be further studied. A mini-plasmid clone containing 22 KDa proteincoding sequence was cloned into Charon 4A genomiclibrary from which a 5.7 Kb genomic fragment wasisolated,identified by hybridization with a 5’ and a 3’cDNA probes,and shown to contain the 5’ flankingsequence.Restriction enzyme treatment of this fragmentyielded a 4.7 Kb restriction fragment representingthe 5’ upstream region and a 1.0 Kb containing part ofthe coding sequence.Deletion studies indicated that the97 KDa protein bound only to a subclone of about 300 bpsegment.Furthermore,gel shifting experiment supportedits DNA-prptein binding. 2M NaCl-insoluble fraction of rat ventral prostatechromatin (residual proteins) contain proteins tointeract specifically with androgen-receptor complex andis, therefore, a part of the acceptor complex. Assistant cells proteins, a 97 KDa protein has been found whichbinds signifieantly to a genomic fragment containing an androgen-regulated gene coding for a 22 KDa protein. biological significance of this binding in androgenaction need to be further studied. A mini-plasmid clone containing 22 KDa protein coding sequence was cloned into Charon 4A genomiclibrary from which a 5.7 Kb genomic fragment wasisolated , identified by hybridization with a 5 ’and a 3’cDNA probes, and shown to contain the 5’ flanking sequence. Restriction enzyme treatment of this fragmenty a a 4.7 Kb restriction fragment represent the 5 ’upstream region and a 1.0 Kb containing part of the coding sequence. Deletion studies indicated that the 97 KDa protein bound only to a subclone of about 300 bpsegment. Future plus, gel sh ifting experiment supportedits DNA-prptein binding.
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