研究高效、低毒农药对地下害虫的防治效果,为今后阿勒泰地区实现无公害蔬菜生产提供科学依据,以便进一步推广使用。1材料与方法1.1供试药剂乐斯本乳油(美国陶士意农公司),每小区1.6 mL、55%的敌百虫原粉(临湘市化工厂生产),每小区1.6 mL、对照药剂:40%的辛硫磷乳油(江苏宝灵化
To study the effect of high efficiency and low toxicity pesticides on the control of underground pests and provide scientific basis for the production of pollution-free vegetables in Altay region in the future so as to be further popularized. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 test agent Loxing EC (Tao Tao Italian Agriculture Company), each district 1.6 mL, 55% of trichlorfon original powder (Linxiang Chemical Plant production), 1.6 mL per plot, the control agent: 40 % Phoxim EC (Bao Ling of Jiangsu