上月中旬,大陆自然科学40多个学科的几十位专家聚集一堂,商讨推动海峡两岸科技名词统一的事宜,事关海峡两岸的统一,科技、文化、经贸的交流与发展,意义深远,不可等闲视之。 随着时间的推移,海峡两岸的科技、文化、经贸的交流日见增长。可以肯定,这等有利于炎黄子孙发展的大好事,前途无量。
In the middle of last month, dozens of experts in more than 40 subjects from the mainland's natural sciences came together to discuss issues of promoting the unification of science and technology terminology across the Taiwan Strait, which is of great significance to the exchange and development of reunification, science, technology, culture, economy and trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Take it easy. With the passage of time, exchanges of science and technology, culture and economy and trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have been growing day by day. To be sure, this is a good thing that will benefit the development of the progeny of the progeny.