1 1994年11月18日,初冬,’94东渡杯·教海探航征文评选颁奖大会在张家港市实验小学召开。这天,也是张家港实小建校九十周年校庆之日。张家港实小双喜临门,校园里洋溢着热烈、祥和的节日喜庆气氛。两个悬挂着巨幅标语的彩色大气球高悬在校园上空,格外引人注目。校门口,鲜花簇簇,彩旗招展。迎接人们的还有实小师生们一张张亲切的笑脸,一阵阵激动人心的鼓号声。人们向特级教师斯霞、李吉林、王永建、翟裕康投来敬慕的目光,向五十位获奖教师代表送来真诚的祝贺。
1 November 18, 1994, early winter, '94 Dong Teng Cup teaching sea exploration essay awards ceremony held in Zhangjiagang Experimental Primary School. This day is also the 90th anniversary of the founding of Zhangjiagang School. Zhangjiagang really little double happiness, the campus filled with warm, peaceful festival festive atmosphere. Two large balloons hanging huge banners hanging over the campus, especially noticeable. The school gate, flowers clusters, banners fluttering. Greeting the people there are real teachers and students a warm smile, a burst of exciting trumpets. People sent superlative teachers Si Xia, Li Jilin, Wang Yongjian and Zhai Yukang with admiration and sent sincere greetings to the 50 award-winning teachers.