杂志曾介绍过华人音响的家庭影院系统产品,而事实上正知龙企业香港华人音响技术研制中心是一家专注于开发设计 HI-FI 音响器材的企业,早年以生产 HI-FI 放大器而闻名业内。其后华人于2003年进入内地市场,设计的产品包括了胆机,晶体管机,扬声器等.AV 与 HI-FI 兼顾。而这次文章的主角则是一款有源低音炮,也许初见标题有朋友会纳闷:印象中低音炮只在家庭影院中出现,其强劲的表现震撼了不少的AV 发烧友,只是何故称其有“HI-FI”内涵?也许这正是华人音响的过人之处,“HI-FI”
Magazine has introduced Chinese audio home theater system products, and in fact the Dragon Enterprise Hong Kong Chinese audio technology research center is a focus on the development and design of HI-FI audio equipment business, the early years to produce HI-FI amplifier and the industry-famous. Afterwards, the Chinese entered the Mainland market in 2003. The products they designed include amplifiers, transistors, speakers, etc. Both AV and HI-FI are considered. And the protagonist of this article is an active subwoofer, may have seen the title of a friend wondering: the subwoofer impression in the home theater only, its strong performance shook a lot of AV enthusiasts, just why Its “HI-FI” content? Perhaps this is the Chinese audio extraordinary place, “HI-FI”