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《中国烹调工艺学》一书中对“焯水”的文字说明有自相矛盾之嫌。书中对“焯水”的定义指出:“焯水,烹调上又称为出水、氽(氵旦)、水锅等。就是把经过加工的原料,放入沸水锅中略加热成半熟或刚熟的半成品……”从定义或者说释名中可以看出,“焯水”指的是将原料投入沸水(锅)中进行操作处理的方法。然而在对“焯水的方法”作具体的介绍时,书中却又将焯水分为“冷水锅”法和“沸水锅”法,显然这是编者在此处的一点小小的疏忽。同样,书中对“水煮”的介绍文字也有脱离实际之感。书中在介绍“水煮”时称:“水煮就是将动物性的整只或大块原料,在焯水后或直接投入温水锅煮至所需的成熟程度……”。然而就冬瓜(金钩瓜方)而言,烹调前用水将其加热成熟的处理方法难道不属于“水煮”?如果将植物性原料严格地排除在水煮之外,那么日常生活工作中人们说“煮冬瓜”、“煮莴笋”而不说“把冬瓜焯一水”、“焯莴笋”,这又如何解释?另外,书中“水煮”的定义有:“……在焯水之后或直接投入温水锅……”足见焯水和水煮实乃不同的热处理方法。然而书中对这两种同属于水导热的处理方法,只是各自单独地作了介绍,而至于它们之间的区别,却并未作出应有的区分和说明。 There is a self-contradictory suspicion in the text of “Chinese Cuisine Technology” in the text of “Zhuo Shui”. The book on the “Zhuo water,” the definition states: “Zhuo water, cooking is also known as the water, 氽 (氵 Dan), water pots, etc. Is the processed raw materials into the boiling water pot slightly heated into a semi-cooked or just cooked Of the semi-finished products ... ... ”From the definition or interpretation of the name can be seen,“ blanched water ”refers to the raw materials into boiling water (pot) for the handling of the method. However, when making a concrete introduction to the method of “blanching water”, the book divides the water into the “cold water pot” method and the “boiling water pot” method, apparently this is a little negligence here. Similarly, the book’s “boiled” introductory text is also out of touch with reality. The book in introducing “boiled”, said: “Boiled animal is the whole or large raw materials, boiled water or directly into the warm water pot to the desired degree of maturity ...”. However, the winter melon (golden hook gourd side), before cooking cooking with water heating is not a “boiling”? If the plant material strictly excluded from the boiled outside, then people in daily life work How to explain “boiled melon” and “boiled lettuce” instead of “boiled watermelon” and “boiled lettuce?” In addition, the definition of “boiled” in the book is: “... after the boil water Or directly into the warm water pot ... ... ”See Zhuo boiled water and boiled real heat treatment is different. However, in the book, both of these two methods of treatment, which are both water-conducting and heat-conducting, are only introduced separately. However, the differences between them are not clearly defined and explained.
克娄巴特拉是历史上闻名的埃及女王, 在她执政的20年生涯中,她曾以貌美著称于世,多少王公贵族倾倒于她的石榴裙下,俯首称臣。克娄巴特拉苗条俊秀,天姿国色,婀娜娉婷的艳后,
简历 翁维健教授天津人,生于1933年.1962年毕业于北京中医学院,后留校任教至会.1983年创立国内第一个中医营养专业并任教研室主任.1986年创立中医养生康复专业并任教研室主
海洋珍品——文蛤享有“天下 第一鲜”的美誉,无论是鲜品,冷冻品及其它制品,均有独特的海鲜风味, 可煎、炒、炖、制作各式名菜, 素为席上佳肴,是我国历来大宗出口鲜活水产品