冀州市是闻名全国的辣椒之乡 ,全市朝天椒种植面积在 10万亩 ( 1亩 =667m2下同 )以上 ,其中“冀周”牌小椒为省名优产品。在种植方法上 ,普遍采用温室育苗 ,大田移栽的方式 ,费工费时。同时 ,由于辣椒苗茎秆较脆 ,无法采用机械移栽 ,从而限制了辣椒种植规模的扩展。自 1998年
Jizhou City is known as the hometown of pepper, the city Chaotianjiao planting area of 100000 mu (1 mu = 667m2 the same below), of which “Ji Zhou” brand pepper for the provincial famous products. In the cultivation methods, the general use of greenhouse nursery, field transplanting, time-consuming work. At the same time, due to the fragility of pepper seedling stems, mechanical transplanting can not be used, thus limiting the expansion of pepper planting. Since 1998