勿忘历史 振兴中华——卢沟桥的见证

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卢沟桥,一个响亮的名字。不但因为当年它曾以“卢沟晓月”成为“燕京八景”之一。更因为在1937年7月7日,侵华日军在这里挑起了震惊中外的“卢沟桥事变”,妄想进一步吞并中国。不堪当亡国奴的中国人民奋起反抗,在这里打响了全民抗战的第一枪,从此揭开了八年抗日战争的序幕并最终取得全面胜利。也是从这里开始,中国军民在自己的国土上独立抗击了在二战中占日本整个侵略军百分之七十以上的兵力,有效地缓解了太平洋和欧洲战场的压力。中国人民以巨大的民族牺牲,为世界反法西斯战争的胜利作出了不可磨灭的贡献。屹立在世界东方的卢沟桥是我们民族魂的象征! Lugou bridge, a loud name. Not only because it was “Lugou Aria” became “Yanjing eight Kingdoms” one. Even more, because on July 7, 1937, the Japanese aggressors here provoked the “Lugouqiao Incident” that stunned China and other countries and deluded the further annexation of China. The Chinese people who were unbearable to become slaves started their first reaction and started the first shot of the entire people’s war of resistance here. They opened the prelude to the anti-Japanese war of eight years and eventually won an all-round victory. It is also from here that Chinese soldiers and civilians independently defeated themselves in their land to occupy more than 70% of the entire Japanese invasion force in World War II and effectively relieved the pressure on the Pacific and European battlefields. The Chinese people made an indelible contribution to the victory of the world anti-fascist war by sacrificing their great people. Lugouqiao standing in the east of the world is a symbol of our national soul!
冬小麦必须在冬季来临之前播种完毕,出土的幼苗需经历一整冬的雪压霜冻,才能在来年扬花吐蕊、结出果实。冬天是冰冷残酷的,但对于冬小麦来说,却是一段不可或缺的经历。“没有一番寒彻骨,哪来梅花扑鼻香。”其实,人生也是一样,错过最为艰难的那段经历,对生活的理解和感悟就会浅薄,生命的价值和厚度也会打折扣。  古人说:“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,