Antimony (III) with selective adsorption was detected by flow injection flame atomic absorption spectrometry in a micro-exchange column containing DETA adsorbent and potassium hexao-antimonate. The antimony adsorbed was filtered off with nitric acid and directly The measurement was carried out by atomic absorption spectrometry. The limit of detection for antimony was 0.9 μg / L in the flow injection AAS procedure, whereas the limit of detection for antimony was 0.8 μg / L for direct injection into a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry procedure. The detection accuracy of antimony at a concentration of 10 μg / L was 5.2% (relative standard deviation n = 5). Because the total amount of antimony is determined directly by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, the concentration of antimony (V) can be calculated in different ways: flow injection atomic absorption spectrometry and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry can be used for the detection of antimony inorganics .