患者,男性,62岁,因头晕、乏力、食欲差50天于1999年3月8日就诊。患者于50天前自觉头晕、乏力、食欲不振,无发热、出血症状。既往身体健康。体检,体温37℃,脉搏96次/分,呼吸 24次/分,血压16/11KPa,神志清楚,贫血貌,消瘦,皮肤巩膜无黄染,无出血点,周身浅表淋巴结无肿大,胸骨轻压痛,心肺听诊无异常,肝肋下2cm,脾未及。实验室检查:RBC 1.85×10~(12)/L,Hb 73g/L,HCT 0.208,MCV112,MCH 39.4,MCHC 0.35,WBC 26.5×10~9/L,血小板计数383×10~9/L,分类结果:中性分叶核粒细
The patient, male, 62 years old, presented on March 8, 1999 for 50 days because of dizziness, fatigue, and poor appetite. The patient felt dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, and no fever or bleeding symptoms 50 days before. Past health. Physical examination, body temperature 37°C, pulse 96 beats/min, respiratory rate 24 beats/min, blood pressure 16/11 KPa, conscious, anemic appearance, weight loss, no yellow stain on skin sclera, no bleeding points, no superficial lymph nodes around the entire body, sternum Mild tenderness, no abnormal heart and lung auscultation, liver subcostal 2cm, spleen not. Laboratory tests: RBC 1.85×10~12/L, Hb 73g/L, HCT 0.208, MCV112, MCH 39.4, MCHC 0.35, WBC 26.5×10~9/L, platelet count 383×10~9/L, Classification result: neutral nucleus