正常谋职应试程序下,大多数大学毕业生都能应对自如,因为他(她)们都临时抱过佛脚,其应职行为一般都不会出现偏差。但求职面试中往往会出现一些意想不到的情况,该如何处置呢?正在或将要应聘者不妨掌握下面一些“随人应变”术,对你应试的成功是大有好处的。 “画蛇添足” 在于有心 一家外贸公司想要招聘一名搞贸易的人才,而且要求这个人会外语。武汉某管理学院一位大学毕业生G小姐得到这个信息后喜出望外,马上赶到那家公司应聘。然而她看到已有好几名比他外语还要出色的应聘者被淘汰了。“来访”前几位失败者后,G小姐调整了一下自己的思路,她在不慌不忙回答了三位主考官提出的一些相关问题的同时,又主动地将自己的情况进行了“评价”,“我对经济贸易很感兴趣,因为我上高中时,对世界地理的学习特别用功,所以对各个国家的地理概貌,矿产资源都比较了解,我可以用英语介绍美国西部地区情况。同时,我也可以用日语介绍一下战后日本经济腾飞的情况。我曾在商业部门实习半年,所以也颇懂一些经商之道,如果你
Under the normal job search test program, most college graduates are able to cope with ease, because he or she has temporarily embraced his job, and his job tendencies generally do not deviate. However, job interviews often appear unexpected situations, how to deal with it? Will be candidates or may wish to master some of the following “adaptability”, the success of your examination is very good. “Drawing a superfluous snake” is that a foreign trade company wants to recruit a qualified trader and requires the individual to speak a foreign language. Miss G, a college graduate in Wuhan University, got this message and was overjoyed to go to that company immediately. However, she saw that several candidates who were better than his foreign language had been eliminated. After “visiting” the first few losers, Miss G readjusted her thinking. While calmly answering some of the questions raised by the three examiners, she also took the initiative to comment on her own situation "I am very interested in economy and trade because I was especially interested in studying geography in the high school, so I can understand the geographical features and mineral resources of various countries and I can introduce the situation in the western part of the United States in English. I can also introduce the post-war Japan’s economic take-off situation in Japanese.I had an internship in the commercial sector for half a year, so I also knew quite a bit about business practices. If you