序言 1983年3月,里根总统提出了一个举世瞩目的新的计划,在这个计划中我们将不再依赖核武器来防止核冲突。这样,他提出了上述计划和挑战。如果人们把自由地无忧无虑地生活理解成他们的安全不是依靠美国报复性的瞬时威胁来制止苏联攻击的话,那么我们能在苏联战略弹道导弹到达我们自己的国土或我们盟国的国土以前拦截和摧毁它们吗?
In March 1983, President Reagan proposed a new plan of world-wide attention in which we will no longer rely on nuclear weapons to prevent nuclear conflicts. In this way, he proposed the above plans and challenges. If people understand that free and carefree life as their security does not restrain the Soviet attack by relying on the momentary retaliatory threat of the United States, then we can intercept it before the Soviet strategic ballistic missiles reach our own homeland or the land of our allies And destroy them?