辣椒,别名番椒、辣茄、海椒、秦椒,它原产中南美洲热带地区,1493年传到欧洲,后相继传到世界各地。16世纪后半叶,经丝绸之路传入我国甘肃、陕西等地;经海路传入广东、广西、云南等地。现已在世界各地普遍栽培,但主要的产地为北非经阿拉伯、中亚细亚至东南亚各国及中国的西北、西南、中南、华南各省,形成世界有名的“椒带”。 辣椒是人们喜爱的食品。我国的川、滇、黔、湘
Chili, alias pepper, spicy eggplant, sea pepper, Qin pepper, which originated in Central and South America tropics, reached Europe in 1493, have been spread all over the world. The second half of the 16th century, the Silk Road into our country Gansu, Shaanxi and other places; by sea into Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other places. Now it is widely cultivated all over the world. However, its main origin is North Africa. The world is known as the “pepper band” throughout North Africa, Arabia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China’s northwestern, southwestern, central and southern provinces. Pepper is a favorite food. China’s Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan