一、抗日战争时期的日本华侨 进入30年代,日本军国主义加快了侵略中国的步伐。在中国制造了一连串事件和在国内完成了一系列的侵华布署之后,终于在1937年发动了“七七”芦沟桥事变,实行全面侵略中国。 面对民族生死存亡的危急关头,全中国人民奋起展开了轰轰烈烈的抗日救亡运动。在这困难当头的严峻时刻,作为生活在敌人心脏中的旅日华侨,他们处境的独特和艰危是可想而知的。然而广大的日本华侨并没有
First, during the anti-Japanese war, overseas Chinese in Japan entered the 1930s and Japanese militarism accelerated the pace of invading China. After a series of incidents were made in China and a series of domestic invasions were completed in China, the “Lugou Bridge Incident” of “July 7” was finally launched in 1937 and a total invasion of China was carried out. In the critical juncture of the national survival and death, the entire Chinese people launched a vigorous campaign against Japan and the nation. At this grim moment of hardship, as an overseas Chinese living in the enemy’s heart, the uniqueness and hardship of their situation can be imagined. However, the majority of Japanese overseas Chinese did not