Under the space environment, the molecular pollution effect caused by the material outlet is one of the important factors that affect the life and reliability of the aircraft. In this paper, the gas exiting gas experiencing the exit, the space in the transport and deposition of three processes and the presence of many polluting gas source, the impact of the deposition of sensitive surface were studied. A prediction model for the contamination of on-orbit molecular contamination on the functional surface of the aircraft sensitive system was established. The theoretical model was used to simulate the effect of the contamination on the surface of the lens during orbital flight with the use of the camera lens structure and the space environment conditions. The theoretical calculation results combined with the experimental test data to evaluate the effect of the camera lens On track performance. The results show that the lens due to the deposition of molecular contaminants caused by the optical transmittance attenuation of more than 30%. The conclusions obtained have important reference significance for improving the anti-pollution design of the aircraft and improving the safety and performance of the aircraft in orbit.