去年,电视连续剧《9·18大案纪实》在中央电视台播出后,轰动全国。主演开封市副市长兼公安局长的武和平,顿时成为万众瞩目的新闻人物。 阳春三月,我有幸和他在中宣部多功能厅观摩电影《西门警事》时相识,聆听了他对该片的精彩观感,留下了非常深刻的印象。尔后,因工作关系,又连续三次见到他,每一次都有新的了解,新的发现,新的触动。
Last year, the television series “9 · 18 Major Documentary Documentary” was aired on the CCTV and hit the whole country. Wu peace, starring Kaifeng City Vice Mayor and Public Security Bureau chief, suddenly became the news figure of much publicity. In March, I was fortunate enough to meet with him while observing the film “Simon Police” in the Multi-purpose Hall of the Central Propaganda Department. I was very impressed with the wonderful view of the film. Later, due to working relationships, but also to see him three times in a row, each time a new understanding, new discoveries, new touches.