胸膜间皮瘤是临床少见肿瘤,现将我院发现并经x线和胸膜活检证实二例报告,并复习有关文献。例1 男性,47岁,工人,住院号A—003605,因咳嗽、气短三个月,近20天加重伴胸部发憋、消瘦、发热。体检:体温38.4℃,脉搏108,呼吸28,血压正常、消瘦,慢性病容,贫血貌,气管向右移位,左侧胸廓饱满,肋间隙增宽,呼吸运动减弱,语颤消失,叩实,呼吸音消失,右侧呼吸音增
Pleural mesothelioma is a rare clinical tumor. It has been found in our hospital and confirmed by X-ray and pleural biopsy in two cases, and reviewed the relevant literature. Example 1 Male, 47 years old, worker, hospital number A-003605, due to cough, shortness of breath for three months, nearly 20 days aggravated with chest cyanosis, weight loss, fever. Physical examination: body temperature 38.4°C, pulse 108, breathing 28, normal blood pressure, weight loss, chronic conditions, anemia appearance, tracheal shift to the right, left chest full, intercostal space widened, respiratory movements weakened, speech trembling disappeared, tamping, Breath sounds disappear, right breath sounds increase