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对于内地和香港两地之间“水客走私”这种具有较大规模的违法行为模式,虽然两地的合作一直在加强,但当下监管和治理仍主要呈现为单方治理的特点。单方的贸易管制和较强的行政管理属性,造成了内地与香港两地合作的困难。《刑法修正案(八)》对于走私犯罪的重新描述,以及2013年香港婴儿奶粉限量措施,既体现了两地针对新型走私行为的不同适应方式,也为双方司法层面的合作前景开辟一定的探讨空间。 Although the cooperation between the two places has been strengthening for the larger-scale model of illegal “water smuggling” between the Mainland and Hong Kong, the current supervision and control are still mainly characterized by unilateralism. Unilateral trade controls and strong administrative attributes have created difficulties in the cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong. The “Criminal Law Amendment (8)” A re-description of smuggling crimes and the 2013 Hong Kong infant milk powder limited measure not only reflect the different adaptation modes for the new type of smuggling activities between the two places, but also open up some discussions on the judicial prospect of cooperation between the two sides space.