河西走廊有机肥是以土粪形式投入农田的。通过 3年 10 0多个试验研究表明 ,土粪平均含有机质 2 6.3 g/kg、碱解氮 15 8.4mg/kg、有效磷 89.3mg/kg、有效钾 2 2 2 7.6mg/kg。生产上一般施入量为 75t/hm2 。单施平均增产 2 0 .5 % ,与氮素配施平均增产 12 .4% ,与磷素化肥配施平均增产 2 5 .4% ,在氮磷化肥基础上平均增产 4.6%。有机肥与氮素化肥配施表现为正交互效应 ,与磷素化肥配施当季交互效应不稳定 ,且较小 ,与氮磷化肥配施表现为负交互效应
Hexi Corridor organic fertilizer is put into the form of soil manure. According to more than 10 years of experiment, soil manure contained 2 6.3 g / kg, 15 8.4 mg / kg of alkali nitrogen, 89.3 mg / kg of available phosphorus and 2 2 2 7.6 mg / kg of available potassium. Production on the general amount of 75t / hm2. The average yield increase was 20.5%. The average yield was increased by 12.4% with the application of nitrogen fertilizer. The average yield was increased by 25.4% with the application of phosphorus fertilizers and the average yield was increased by 4.6% on the basis of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. The combination of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer showed an orthogonal reciprocal effect, and the interactive effect with phosphorus and phosphorus fertilizer application season was unstable and small, and showed negative interaction with nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers