有位学者曾对古尸进行研究和计算后惊奇地发现,现代人体内平均含铅量比1000多年前的古人高出500多倍! 体内如此多的铅从何处来的?铅的主要来源有两条途径,一是生产环境的污染。如汽车、拖拉机排放的含铅废气,铅作业工厂排放的铅烟,锡尘等,严重污染土壤、饮水和农作物;另是日常生活中的铅污染。如油漆家具、餐桌及筷子,含铅金属制作的食品容器、玩具,铅笔、蜡笔、油墨、化妆品,爆米花,以及涂彩釉的陶瓷餐具,均含有一定量的铅。某些松花蛋的含铅量也不少。民间常用锡壶(实际上是铅锡合金,含铅量高达50%以上)盛酒,使铅大量地溶于酒中,而饮酒加速了铅的吸收。 铅是一种对人体有害的元素。在正常情况下,人每
Some scholars have studied and calculated ancient corpse and were surprised to find that the average lead content in modern humans is more than 500 times higher than that of the ancients 1,000 years ago! So much lead in the body come from? The main source of lead There are two ways, one is the pollution of the production environment. Such as cars, tractor exhaust emissions of lead, lead-based factory emissions of lead smoke, tin dust, etc., seriously polluted the soil, drinking water and crops; the other is the lead pollution in daily life. Such as paint furniture, table and chopsticks, food containers made of lead metal, toys, pencils, crayons, ink, cosmetics, popcorn, and painted glaze ceramic tableware, contain a certain amount of lead. Some easter eggs contain not less than the amount of lead. Folk commonly used tin pot (in fact, pewter, lead content as high as 50% or more) Sheng wine, so that a large number of soluble in wine, and alcohol to accelerate the absorption of lead. Lead is a harmful element of the human body. Under normal circumstances, each person