这是个不会消失的健康神话。几乎每个人都认为他们没有喝足够的水,但是我们必须都要喝大量水的观念——每天8杯——是没有任何科学根据的。没有人真正地知道这8杯水的观念从何而来。有些人把这归咎于瓶装水产业,但是数十年来医生和健康组织也是这样提倡的。这可能来源于1945年美国国家研究委员会(NRC)的一个建议:每卡路里食物要消耗1 mL水,合计起来就是男子每天约2.5L水,女子约2L水。美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学的营养学研究员、1984年出版的《渴》(Thirst)一书的作者Barbara Rolls认为,这个量对于处于温和气候中不剧烈运动的人基本合适的。1.9 L是喝下8杯8盎司玻璃杯的水获得的量——8×8规则——被看做该神话的美国版本。
This is a healthy myth that will not disappear. Almost everyone thinks they do not drink enough water, but the idea that we must all drink plenty of water - eight cups a day - is without any scientific basis. No one really knows where the 8-cup water concept came from. Some blame it on the bottled water industry, but doctors and health organizations have for decades advocated this. This may come from a suggestion by the 1945 National Institutes of Health (NRC) that consuming 1 mL of water per calorie diet would add up to about 2.5 liters of water per day for men and about 2 liters for women. According to Barbara Rolls, a nutrition researcher at Penn State University and author of Thirst in 1984, this amount is generally appropriate for those who do not exercise strenuously in moderate climates. 1.9 L is the amount obtained by drinking 8 glasses of 8 ounce glass - 8 × 8 rules - is seen as the American version of this myth.