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一、生产劳动的理论与历史古典政治经济学自创立起,首先面临的一个重要问题是:什么是财富,什么是创造财富的源泉,从而怎样使国家致富。关于生产劳动的理论最初就是这样产生的。它的本意在于回答:财富是由哪些劳动创造出来的。什么的财富?马克思曾经说道:“如果抛掉狭隘的资产阶级形式,那末,财富岂不正是在普遍交换中造成的个人的需要、才能、享用、生产力等等的普遍性吗?财富岂不正是人对自然力--既是通常所谓的‘自然’力、又是人本身的自然力--统治的充分 First, the theory of production and labor history Since the establishment of classical political economy, the first important issue facing is: what is wealth, what is the source of wealth creation, and thus how to make the country rich. The theory of productive labor was originally produced in this way. Its purpose is to answer: What kind of labor is created by wealth? What wealth? Marx once said: "If the narrow bourgeois form is to be thrown away, is not it just the universal necessity of wealth, the ability, the enjoyment, the productivity and so on caused by the universal exchange of wealth? Is not wealth exactly? Man’s power of nature - both the so-called ’natural’ force and the natural force of man - the fullness of dominance
AIM:To explore the relevance of Maotai liquor and liver diseases.METHODS:Epidemiological study was conducted on groups of subjects,each consisting of 3 subjects
【正】 关于司马光的家乡,宋代的许多资料中都记载为陕州夏县涑水乡高堠里。但那时的高堠里是现在的什么地方呢?确切地说司马光的故里是现在的那一个村呢?目前有影响的说法主
AIM: To investigate the serum positive percentage of TTvirus (TTV) in patients with chronic hepatitis B or C and theresponse of the coinfected TTV to interferon
【正】 四、抗日战争时期 (一) 一九三七年七月七日,芦沟桥事变发生,抗日战争时期开始了。这时日本帝国主义的军队早已进入了中国的长城。他们得意忘形地向南直侵,却没有注意
【正】 毛泽东同志在从事哲学研究中,提出了一系列新的哲学范畴,其中许多范畴带有综合性的特征。这里所谓综合,是指毛泽东同志把许多哲学观点有机地统一起来,高度概括为某个
AIM To test the hypothesis that Helicobacter pylori eradication alone can reduce the incidence of gastric cancer in a subgroup of individuals with an increased