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提起薰衣草,人们大都会想起法国普罗旺斯、日本北海道和我国新疆伊犁地区成百上千公顷的土地上开满淡紫色花、随处飘香的薰衣草种植园。在国际香草协会1999年选拔年度香草时,第一个就是薰衣草,如同玫瑰被誉为“花中皇后”一样,薰衣草被称为“香草女王”。 薰衣草原产于地中海沿岸雨量少的地区,性喜排水良好,肥力适中的偏碱性土壤及冷凉,全日照的环境。因此,人工栽培土壤不宜过湿,炎夏高温季节需适当遮荫,特别是在梅雨季节要注意通风、除湿、避免雨淋,以防止薰衣草窒息死亡。耐寒种类在我国北方可埋土越冬,长江下游可自然越冬,对一些耐寒性较差的薰衣草,如羽叶薰衣草要移入室内过冬。 薰衣草的繁殖方法主要有:种子繁殖、分株繁殖和扦插繁殖。 唇形科薰衣草属植物有28种,除了专门用于提炼精油的种类外,还有作为观赏花卉栽培的种及杂交品种。据介绍,国外将薰衣草分为六个品系。本文结合上海农根香园艺公司经台湾引种到上海的五个品系的种质资源作些介绍。 Mention of lavender, most people think of France, Provence, Japan, Hokkaido and China’s Xinjiang Ili region, hundreds of hectares of land covered with lilac flowers, fragrant lavender plantations everywhere. When the International Vanilla Association selected the annual vanilla in 1999, the first one was lavender. Like roses, known as Queen of Flowers, lavender is called “Queen of Herbs.” Lavender native to the Mediterranean coast less rainfall, sexual hi drainage, fertile moderate alkaline soil and cool, all-sunshine environment. Therefore, the artificial cultivation of soil should not be too wet, hot summer season should be appropriate shade, especially in the rainy season to pay attention to ventilation, dehumidification, to avoid rain, to prevent the suffocation of lavender death. Hardy species can be buried in northern China winter, the Yangtze River can naturally wintering, for some poor lavender poor, such as plumeria lavender to be moved into the winter. Lavender breeding methods are: seed breeding, ramets breeding and cutting propagation. Labiatae There are 28 species of lavender plants, in addition to the type of oil used to extract essential oils, as well as ornamental flowers cultivated species and hybrid varieties. According to reports, foreign lavender is divided into six lines. In this paper, we introduced the germplasm resources of Shanghai Nonggen Horticulture Company from five strains introduced to Shanghai from Taiwan.
本文主要从以下几个部分展开论述:  第一部分 背景  生物发光(bioluminescence)是一种生物体内合成的化学物质不依赖机体对光的吸收,但在特殊酶的作用下将化学能几乎100%转