摘要: 总结了不同类型纳米材料对藻华控制的作用机制最新研究进展, 系统分析了环境因子对纳米材料调控营养盐迁移转化以及细胞毒性过程的影响. 并在此基础上对纳米材料的固定化研究提出展望, 以期实现纳米材料功能化和对其环境风险的精确管控, 为藻华治理提供新的解决思路.
关键词: 纳米材料; 藻华; 营养盐; 细胞毒性; 固定化
中图分类号: X522 文献标志码: A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2021.04.011
A review of applications and research progress on the use of nanoparticles for the inhibition of harmful algal bloom
YUAN Yuxin1,2,3,4, LIU Jiamin1,2,3,4, PAN Ling1,2,3,4, WANG Lihong1,2,3,4, ZHANG Xueli1,2,3,4, HUANG Minsheng1,2,3,4
(1. Shanghai Key Laboratory for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco-Restoration, School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2. Institute of EcoChongming, Shanghai 202162, China; 3. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Biotransformation of Organic Solid Waste, Shanghai 200241; 4. Technology Innovation Center for Land Spatial Eco-Restoration in Metropolitan Area (Ministry of Natural Resources), Shanghai 200062, China)
Abstract: This review summarizes the latest research progress on the inhibition mechanism of different nanoparticles on algal bloom. We systematically analyze the influence of environmental factors on migration and transformation of nutrients and the cytotoxicity process regulated by nanoparticles. The future prospects for the immobilization of nanoparticles are explored, and the paper proposes ideas to realize the functional performance of nanomaterials while controlling environmental risks. This research sheds light on new strategies for the inhibition of algal bloom.
Keywords: nanoparticles; harmful algal bloom; nutrients; cytotoxicity; immobilization
0 引 言
由于人类活动的干扰, 世界范围内的水体—自然水体(河湖库等)、功能水体(景观、养殖水体等)以及进行生态修复的污染水体都部分呈现富营养化状态. 富营养化水体中的营养盐浓度远远超出微藻的生长所需, 大型丝状藻更是可以在贫营养水体中滋生, 这就导致了藻华的频繁发生[1]. 藻华及其衍生出的次生灾害会对水环境乃至整个水生生态系统造成严重破坏, 使生态安全和饮用水安全受到威胁, 因此, 藻华问题仍然是水环境治理的重点问题.
纳米材料的研制及应用为控制藻华提供了新的理论和技术支持. 相比于传统尺寸的粒子, 纳米粒子因其纳米级的尺寸与反应物接触更加充分, 使反应更加高效. 与传统治理手段相比, 利用纳米材料控制藻华可以极大地减少材料投加量, 降低经济成本, 减少二次污染风险. 然而, 这些性质也能够使纳米材料在水环境中的迁移转化过程愈加复杂, 并且可以通过生物地球化学循环进入生物体内富集[2].同时, 納米材料的流失给回收工作增加了难度, 造成资源浪费和生态安全隐患. 因此, 如何在不影响功能的前提下对纳米材料进行有效固定成为亟待解决的问题.
本文分析了近年来纳米材料在藻华控制方面的研究成果, 分别从作用机制和影响因素两个方面进行综述: 一方面是不同纳米材料对营养盐和藻细胞的作用机制, 另一方面是影响纳米粒子效能的环境暴露因子. 此外, 对纳米材料的固定提出展望, 以期实现对纳米材料功能和环境风险的精确管控, 为藻华治理提供新的思路.
1 纳米材料控制藻华的途径藻华的产生是藻类和氮磷营养盐相互作用的结果, 主要是藻类从无到有, 再由盛转衰, 最终沉降分解; 营养盐由水体进入藻体, 参与藻体整个生命周期最终又回到水体的过程. 藻华的成因主要集中在3个方面: 营养盐因子、 生物因子和环境因子[3]. 纳米材料对藻华的控制主要通过调控营养盐和生物因子两个方面实现对藻华的控制, 故从营养盐因子限制和藻细胞抑制两个方面进行综述. [ 2 ]SHEVLIN D, O’BRIEN N, CUMMINS E. Silver engineered nanoparticles in freshwater systems - Likely fate and behaviour through natural attenuation processes [J]. Sci Total Environ, 2018, 621: 1033-1046.
[ 3 ]DONAGHAY P L, OSBORN T R. Toward a theory of biological-physical control of harmful algal bloom dynamics and impacts [J]. Limnology and Oceanography, 1997, 42(5): 1283-1296.
[ 4 ]GUILDFORD S J, HECKY R E. Total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and nutrient limitation in lakes and oceans: Is there a common relationship? [J]. Limnology and Oceanography, 2000, 45(6): 1213-1223.
[ 5 ]杭嘉祥, 李法云, 梁晶, 等. 鎂改性芦苇生物炭对水环境中磷酸盐的吸附特性 [J]. 生态环境学报, 2020, 29(6): 1235-1244.
[ 6 ]SHIN J, LEE Y G, LEE S H, et al. Single and competitive adsorptions of micropollutants using pristine and alkali-modified biochars from spent coffee grounds [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 400: 102-123.
[ 7 ]ZHU D C, CHEN Y Q, YANG H P, et al. Synthesis and characterization of magnesium oxide nanoparticle-containing biochar composites for efficient phosphorus removal from aqueous solution [J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 247: 125847.
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(责任编辑: 张 晶)
关键词: 纳米材料; 藻华; 营养盐; 细胞毒性; 固定化
中图分类号: X522 文献标志码: A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2021.04.011
A review of applications and research progress on the use of nanoparticles for the inhibition of harmful algal bloom
YUAN Yuxin1,2,3,4, LIU Jiamin1,2,3,4, PAN Ling1,2,3,4, WANG Lihong1,2,3,4, ZHANG Xueli1,2,3,4, HUANG Minsheng1,2,3,4
(1. Shanghai Key Laboratory for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco-Restoration, School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China; 2. Institute of EcoChongming, Shanghai 202162, China; 3. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Biotransformation of Organic Solid Waste, Shanghai 200241; 4. Technology Innovation Center for Land Spatial Eco-Restoration in Metropolitan Area (Ministry of Natural Resources), Shanghai 200062, China)
Abstract: This review summarizes the latest research progress on the inhibition mechanism of different nanoparticles on algal bloom. We systematically analyze the influence of environmental factors on migration and transformation of nutrients and the cytotoxicity process regulated by nanoparticles. The future prospects for the immobilization of nanoparticles are explored, and the paper proposes ideas to realize the functional performance of nanomaterials while controlling environmental risks. This research sheds light on new strategies for the inhibition of algal bloom.
Keywords: nanoparticles; harmful algal bloom; nutrients; cytotoxicity; immobilization
0 引 言
由于人类活动的干扰, 世界范围内的水体—自然水体(河湖库等)、功能水体(景观、养殖水体等)以及进行生态修复的污染水体都部分呈现富营养化状态. 富营养化水体中的营养盐浓度远远超出微藻的生长所需, 大型丝状藻更是可以在贫营养水体中滋生, 这就导致了藻华的频繁发生[1]. 藻华及其衍生出的次生灾害会对水环境乃至整个水生生态系统造成严重破坏, 使生态安全和饮用水安全受到威胁, 因此, 藻华问题仍然是水环境治理的重点问题.
纳米材料的研制及应用为控制藻华提供了新的理论和技术支持. 相比于传统尺寸的粒子, 纳米粒子因其纳米级的尺寸与反应物接触更加充分, 使反应更加高效. 与传统治理手段相比, 利用纳米材料控制藻华可以极大地减少材料投加量, 降低经济成本, 减少二次污染风险. 然而, 这些性质也能够使纳米材料在水环境中的迁移转化过程愈加复杂, 并且可以通过生物地球化学循环进入生物体内富集[2].同时, 納米材料的流失给回收工作增加了难度, 造成资源浪费和生态安全隐患. 因此, 如何在不影响功能的前提下对纳米材料进行有效固定成为亟待解决的问题.
本文分析了近年来纳米材料在藻华控制方面的研究成果, 分别从作用机制和影响因素两个方面进行综述: 一方面是不同纳米材料对营养盐和藻细胞的作用机制, 另一方面是影响纳米粒子效能的环境暴露因子. 此外, 对纳米材料的固定提出展望, 以期实现对纳米材料功能和环境风险的精确管控, 为藻华治理提供新的思路.
1 纳米材料控制藻华的途径藻华的产生是藻类和氮磷营养盐相互作用的结果, 主要是藻类从无到有, 再由盛转衰, 最终沉降分解; 营养盐由水体进入藻体, 参与藻体整个生命周期最终又回到水体的过程. 藻华的成因主要集中在3个方面: 营养盐因子、 生物因子和环境因子[3]. 纳米材料对藻华的控制主要通过调控营养盐和生物因子两个方面实现对藻华的控制, 故从营养盐因子限制和藻细胞抑制两个方面进行综述. [ 2 ]SHEVLIN D, O’BRIEN N, CUMMINS E. Silver engineered nanoparticles in freshwater systems - Likely fate and behaviour through natural attenuation processes [J]. Sci Total Environ, 2018, 621: 1033-1046.
[ 3 ]DONAGHAY P L, OSBORN T R. Toward a theory of biological-physical control of harmful algal bloom dynamics and impacts [J]. Limnology and Oceanography, 1997, 42(5): 1283-1296.
[ 4 ]GUILDFORD S J, HECKY R E. Total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and nutrient limitation in lakes and oceans: Is there a common relationship? [J]. Limnology and Oceanography, 2000, 45(6): 1213-1223.
[ 5 ]杭嘉祥, 李法云, 梁晶, 等. 鎂改性芦苇生物炭对水环境中磷酸盐的吸附特性 [J]. 生态环境学报, 2020, 29(6): 1235-1244.
[ 6 ]SHIN J, LEE Y G, LEE S H, et al. Single and competitive adsorptions of micropollutants using pristine and alkali-modified biochars from spent coffee grounds [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 400: 102-123.
[ 7 ]ZHU D C, CHEN Y Q, YANG H P, et al. Synthesis and characterization of magnesium oxide nanoparticle-containing biochar composites for efficient phosphorus removal from aqueous solution [J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 247: 125847.
[ 8 ]曹丹. 绿色合成纳米Fe3O4的改性及用于水中氨氮和磷的去除 [D]. 福州: 福建师范大学, 2016.
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(责任编辑: 张 晶)