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随着时代的进步科技的发展,人们的生活水品也日益提高,对精神生活和自身的文化水平也有越来越高的要求,这就对基层群众文化工作带来了新的挑战和机遇。只有把握好新时期基层群众文化工作,才能进一步建设好社会主义文化事业,这也是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容。本文从基层街道办文化站长的角度出发,对开展基层群众文化工作进行了深刻研究。 With the development of science and technology of the times, people’s living water products are also increasing day by day, and they also have higher and higher demands on spiritual life and their own cultural level. This poses new challenges and opportunities for grassroots people’s cultural work. Only by grasping the work of grass-roots mass culture in the new era can the socialist cultural undertaking be further built and this is also an important part of the socialist spiritual civilization. This article from the grassroots street culture stationmaster perspective, carried out a profound study of grass-roots mass culture.
骨干亲本(Founder parent)在小麦育种和生产中发挥了至关重要的作用。利用骨干亲本不仅直接培育出许多优良品种,而且还由其衍生出许多具有重要价值的材料。但对骨干亲本是如何
<正> 1949年11月底,人民解放军神速进军,山城重庆解放,国民党丢下一个烂摊子跑了。人民政权接管以后,百业待举,新的机构纷纷建立,旧职员不能马上启用,部队干部和西南服务团的成员不够用,各党政部门就向大专院校招聘或抽调学业成绩冒尖、政治素质较好的学生。当时学校领导班
In this paper, the existence and uniqueness of the time-periodic solu-tions to the Ginzburg-Landau-BBM equations are proved by using a priori estimatesand Leray
BACKGROUND:Polyhydroxyalkanoates are a good substitute for synthetic plastic because they are highly biocompatible,ecofriendly,and biodegradable.Bacteria in fre
BACKGROUND:CREB binding protein (CBP) and its close paralogue p300 are transcriptional coactivators with intrinsic acetyltransferase activity.Both CBP/p300 play