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柱状节理岩体作为一种特殊的岩体,地质结构特点与常见岩体有很大不同。柱状节理面起伏、不规则,柱体断面不规则且切割不完全,柱体内隐裂隙发育、变形模量较低,层间层内错动带发育,变形及抗剪强度均较低,部分岩性段还存在劈理密集带。作为拱坝的坝基岩体,要求有足够的承载力和稳定性,由于柱状节理岩体特殊的岩体结构、结构面发育特征等,应充分了解柱状节理玄武岩、弱风化下段弱卸荷岩体、层间层内错动带、断层影响带等经灌浆处理后其整体性、刚度和强度的提高幅度及相应的岩体力学参数,为加大基础抗变形能力、提高结构面抗剪抗渗能力,有必要对坝基开展固结灌浆试验,研究论证灌后岩体作为拱坝基础的可行性和可靠性,为坝区岩体固结灌浆的合理设计和确定施工参数提供参考。 As a special rock mass, columnar jointed rock mass is very different from common rock mass in geological structure. The irregular columnar joints, the irregular cross-section of the column and the incomplete cutting, the development of the hidden fissures in the column, the lower deformation modulus, the development of the zonation zone in the interlayer and the low deformation and shear strength of some of the columnar joints, Sexual segment also exists cleavage dense belt. As the dam foundation rock mass of arch dam, it is required to have sufficient bearing capacity and stability. Due to the special rock mass structure and development characteristics of structural plane of columnar jointed rock mass, the columnar jointed basalt, weak unloading rock mass , The fault zone in the interlayer, the zone of influence of the fault, etc. After grouting treatment, the integrity, rigidity and strength of the grouting and the corresponding mechanical parameters of the rock mass are increased. In order to increase the basic deformation resistance and improve the shear resistance and impermeability of the structural plane Ability, it is necessary to carry out the consolidation grouting test on the dam foundation. The feasibility and reliability of the rock mass as the arch dam foundation after irrigation are researched and demonstrated. The results provide reference for the reasonable design of the consolidation grouting in the dam area and the determination of the construction parameters.
法国比林斯(Billings)公司在伯绍(Peugeot)505型汽车上采用直喷方法用氢燃料作了行车试验。在55英里/小时(88公里/小时)车速下,行驶里程达到100英里(161公里)。 氢装在两个
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1 适用范围:本标准适用于汽车甩脚踏式变光开关(以下简称开关)。2 开关的型式规定如下:2.1应制成封闭式。2.2接线型式可制成插接式或螺钉接线式。2.3操作机构为脚踏式,当外力
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