After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, due to the aggression on China by the U.S. imperialists, the brutal looting of the four big families and the tremendous depletion of the anti-Communist civil war, the financial and economic conditions of the KMT’s central government were faced with an increasingly serious crisis. Although the Kuomintang government had taken some remedial measures and implemented a “monetary reform” with the issuance of gold certificates and mandatory price limits in August 1948, the financial and economic crisis in the KMT and Central China had not been eased. The crisis and total collapse of the KMT and KMT financial and economic fields not only broke the fantasy of the KMT by the masses of people and the national bourgeoisie and pushed them to fight for their existence but also exacerbated the Kuomintang’s military and political crises and promoted the various factions within the Kuomintang Paradoxical differentiation. All of this has greatly accelerated the defeat of the Kuomintang in mainland China.