我这篇文章是依据已经出版或未出版的大量资料写成的。这些资料,有的出自我的私人档案;有的来自我同国际体育史委员会中几位同事的通讯和会见记。们中的一些人参加了国际体育史委员会的创建工作。 我先从联合国教科文组织和国际体育科学与体育教育理事会这个背景谈 联合国教科文组织是1945年在巴黎成立的。它的目的是,通过发展教育、学和文化范围内的国际合作,来维护和平与
My article is based on a large amount of information that has been published or unpublished. Some of this information comes from my personal files; some from my correspondence and interview with several colleagues in the International Sports History Committee. Some of them participated in the founding of the International Sports History Committee. Let me start with UNESCO and the International Council for Sports Science and Physical Education. UNESCO was established in Paris in 1945. Its purpose is to preserve peace and peace through the development of international cooperation in the fields of education, learning and culture