
来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sogood1918
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中国农村“联产责任制”改革的巨大成功,引起一些非农行当也纷纷效仿,连思想政治工作亦借用了“责任田”这一时髦语言。有人批评思想政治工作不该做的做了,该做的却没做时,就把这种现象称作“种了人家的田,荒了自己的地”。那么,自己的地在哪里呢? 一个企业可以是一块田,但作为其内部的某一项工作,却很难给它划出一块小田地来;硬要划,则容易形成“两张皮”,影响大田的整体效用。这样说,并不意味着抹去某项工作的职责。就像为种好一块田得犁田、耙田、撒种、施肥、除草一样,每个部门都 The tremendous success of the reform of the “joint-generation responsibility system” in rural China has caused some non-agricultural banks to follow suit. Even the ideological and political work has borrowed the fashionable language of “responsibility field”. Some people criticize what ideological and political work should not be done, but when it is done, it is called “planting a field of people and leaving a land of its own.” So, where is it? An enterprise can be a field, but as one of its internal work, it is difficult to draw a small field to it; hard to draw, it is easy to form a “two skins” , Affect the overall effectiveness of Daejeon. To say that does not mean erasing the job of a job. Like planting a field, plowing fields, raking fields, sowing, fertilizing, weeding, every department