清末洋务运动的实业界领袖,邮传部大臣盛宣怀死后葬在何处?史籍不见记载,研究他的学者也没有提过。92年苏州留园修了一个盛宣怀墓,人们自然认为盛宣怀葬于苏州。92年5月19日我们在《徐霞客与江苏》一书的组稿会上,有人向我谈到地理学家王维屏教授在他1932年所写的《徐霞客之故乡》①一文中提到盛宣怀墓就在徐霞客墓旁。当时,我感到很惊奇,也觉得很可疑,认为这两个风马牛不相及的历史人物,怎么会葬在一起?可是转而一想,认为王维屏教授治学严谨,且熟悉当地乡情,当不会讹传。搞清楚盛宣怀墓地这是一个值得研究的历史课题,有必要进行调查落实。 关于盛宣怀墓的考证调查,先后得到了无锡市副市长张怀西(现江苏省副省长)和江阴市文化局长薛仲良同志的大力支持,同时也得到无锡市文管会和马镇党委的支持和配合。通过半年多的赴上海,走常州查阅资料和访问,终于证实了盛宣怀墓确实在当时的徐霞客墓以西二华里地方。它坐
The late Qing Dynasty Westernization Movement’s industry leader, Minister of Post Shengxuan Sheng buried after the death? Historical records are not recorded, the study of his scholars have not mentioned. 92 years, Suzhou Lingering Garden repair a Sheng Xuanhuai, people naturally think Shengxuan Huai was buried in Suzhou. May 19, 1992 At a draft conference of Xu Xiake and Jiangsu, someone told me that Professor Wang Weiping, a geographer, mentions the tomb of Sheng Xuanhuai in his 1932 hometown of Xu Xiake. Xu Xia off in the tomb. At that time, I was very surprised, but I felt very suspicious. I thought that these two irrelevant historical figures would be buried together. However, I thought for a moment that Professor Wang Weiping was rigorous in scholarship and familiar with the local nostalgia. Will be rumor. To find out Sheng Xuanhuai cemetery This is a historical subject worth studying, it is necessary to carry out the investigation. The investigation and research on Sheng Xuanghui’s tomb has won the support of Zhang Huixi, vice mayor of Wuxi (now Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province) and Comrade Xue Zhongliang, director of Jiangyin Culture Bureau. At the same time, it was also supported by Wuxi Municipal Cultural Management Committee and Ma Town Party Committee And with. Through more than six months to go to Shanghai, take Changzhou access to information and access, finally confirmed Sheng Xuanhuai tombs really Xu Xiake tomb two years in the West. It sits