记住郁金香的芳名,是在小时看的一部外国影片里,主人公佐罗执长剑,袭黑衣,口衔黑郁金香,冷峻潇洒地驰骋于天地间,于是我记住了阿兰·德隆,更记住了神秘而富有诗意的黑郁金香。 长大后,对外贸易的国门刚刚敞开,各种家用电器蜂拥而入,但花卉业的进口始终如戏剧中美人出场,幽香渺渺,莲步轻摇,千呼万唤难瞩其面。突然有一天,一位好友兴冲冲地跑来,神秘地亮出一盆花草,气喘吁吁地问:“道这是什么吗?荷兰郁金香!” “真的?”我一声惊呼,为好友的真诚,也为自己的痴情而感动。 好友把那盆花交到我手上。 我一边连声道谢,一边转动着
Remember the fame of tulips, is a foreign film to see in the hour, the protagonist Zorro sword, attack black, black tulips mouth, solemn cool ride in the world between heaven and earth, so I remembered Alain Delong , But also remembered the mysterious and poetic black tulip. Growing up, the foreign trade has just opened the door, all kinds of household appliances flocked in, but the flower industry has always been imported, such as the appearance of the Chinese and the United States, fragrance Miao Miao, Li Bubu shake, long-awaited. Suddenly one day, a good friend came excitedly, mysteriously showing a pot of flowers, and pantied and asked: “What is it? Dutch tulip!” “Really?” I exclaimed as a friend Sincere, but also for their infatuation touched. Friends put the potted flowers in my hand. I kept saying thanks, while turning