【摘 要】
Zero line breakage caused by household appliances burned accident analysis One day, I plant outside the class continued to receive dormitory user’s phone, reflecting the lighting voltage of Building 1 is too low, the bulb is not bright; and Building 4 voltage is too high, burn out light bulb. Maintenance staff rushed to the scene. With a multimeter to measure Line 1 into the line voltage is only 40V, measured Line 4 into the line voltage as high as 340V. To the transformer station inspection ...
In this paper, the 3D elastic-plastic simulation was carried out by using finite element (FE) code according to the phenomena of flange keeping straight, bendin
患者男 ,2 5岁。于 1999年 10月 2 5日 ,以左眼不能睁开到我院眼科门诊就医。患者于 10分钟前因开启瞬间粘着剂时 ,不慎将粘着剂溅入左眼 ,即感左眼刺痛 ,不能睁眼。全身系统
VIA6522是一种可编程的多用途接口适配器,由超大规模集成电路组成,一片6522具有 A、B 两个8位并行输入输出端口(PIO),一个串行输入输出端口(SIO),两个内部计时/计数器 T_1和
Influence of hot deformation and subsequent austempering on the mechanical properties of hot rolled multiphase steel was investigated. Thermo-mechanical control
据海外媒体报道,由于镁合金具有轻量化、高强度、耐压性、散热佳、易于铸造及射出成形等特性,因此正在逐渐取代塑胶材料,应用越来越广泛。美国笔记本电脑厂商自2 0 0 3年起已