白城市辖区内5个县(市、区),现有人口190万,全部供应碘盐。全市现有地方性甲状腺肿病人28003人,残存克汀病患者60人,是吉林省重病区之一。为保持和巩固防治成果,实现2000年消除碘缺乏病,我们的经验是多部门的通力合作及严格的科学管理。下面就几年来碘缺乏病防治情况,谈几点体会。1 目标的量化管理 目前,控制和消除碘缺乏病的主要手段是食盐加碘。按照国务院有关文件规定,卫生防疫部门负责对碘盐加工、贮存、运输、销售等实行监督检查,检测碘盐浓度。为此,我们加强了碘盐检测工作,实
There are five counties (cities, districts) in Baicheng City area, with a current population of 1.9 million, all supplying iodized salt. There are 28,003 patients with endemic goiter in the city and 60 people with residual cretinism, which is one of the most serious areas in Jilin Province. In order to maintain and consolidate the results of prevention and control and achieve elimination of iodine deficiency disorders in 2000, our experience is multi-sectoral cooperation and strict scientific management. The following is the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders over the past few years. 1 Quantitative Management of Targets At present, the main means of controlling and eliminating iodine deficiency disorders is salt iodization. According to the relevant documents of the State Council, the health and epidemic prevention department is responsible for the supervision and inspection of iodized salt processing, storage, transportation and sales, and testing of iodized salt concentration. To this end, we have strengthened the inspection of iodized salt.