冠心病是中老年的常见病,本文汇集了近年来有关冠脉循环的调节,冠状动脉主动张力的探讨以及缺血心肌的代谢和力学改变等方面的一些资料,介绍如下: 一、冠脉循环的调节(一)影响冠脉流量的主要因素冠脉流量决定于冠脉灌注压和冠脉循环阻力。1.冠脉灌注压冠脉灌注压是指冠脉起始端的动脉压与右心房压之间的压力差。冠脉起始端的血压基本和主动脉压一致,而右心房压很低,一般变化较小,因此冠脉灌注压主要决定于主动脉压。
Coronary heart disease is a common disease in middle-aged and elderly people. This article brings together some information on the regulation of coronary circulation, the active tension of coronary artery, and the metabolic and mechanical changes of ischemic myocardium in recent years. The introduction is as follows: (A) the main factor affecting coronary flow coronary flow depends on the coronary perfusion pressure and coronary resistance. 1. Coronary perfusion pressure Coronary perfusion pressure refers to the pressure difference between the arterial pressure at the beginning of the coronary artery and the right atrial pressure. Coronary at the beginning of the basic blood pressure and aortic pressure consistent, and right atrial pressure is very low, the general change is small, so the main coronary perfusion pressure is determined by the aortic pressure.