经济衰退和国际间不断增长的竞争,迫使比弗机床公司(Beaver Machine Tool sales)寻求“争取生存的策略”。阿瑟·阿斯特罗普(Arthur Astrop)的报告指出,将新产品与更为有效的制造方法相结合,使营业额增加一倍。 该公司“争取生存策略”之一,是为加工本公司机床产品主要部件而开
The economic downturn and the growing international competition forced Beaver Machine Tool sales to seek “strategies for survival.” Arthur Astrop’s report states that combining new products with more efficient manufacturing methods doubled sales. One of the company’s “Survival Strategy” is to open the main components of the company’s machine tool products